hier gibt's fast nur wunder

Exhibition: X-wohnungen, Märkesches Viertel, Berlin 2005.
The performance Hier Gibt’s Fast Nur Wunder (Here there are only miracles) was situated in an apartment in the suburb Märkesches Viertel, Berlin. In a poor area of West Berlin in the 1970s, in an anonymous block in an urban development housing 65,000 people, a seriously ill girl could not visit her horse so her parents got permission to suspend very strict regulations for this case, so that the horse could visit her. Thirty years later, for this performance, a horse, Bonito, was moved into the 12th floor apartment. Visiting the installation, the audience, which included residents of the block, entered the apartment in pairs. They went through a dark hallway to an unexpected meeting with Bonito. Re-inventing and re-living the story encouraged other block residents to share their own stories with each other.
Installation/performance: Mixed media: apartment, horse, host, carrot, cake