MFA (Fine Art) Slade School of Fine Art, London, 2013
Project Studies Kungliga Konsthögskolan Stockholm, 2019-2020
Manderlay – Light design for feature film directed by Lars von Trier. 2005
Dogville – Light design for feature film directed by Lars von Trier. 2003
LIGHT IN URBAN SPACE-project – Light concept and light-art installation for park, river and theatre area, Holstebro, Denmark. In collaboration with Schul landscape architects and Okra landscape architects. Finalised in 2009
Light art as part of Copenhagen urban renewal 2007-2010:Hermodsgade neighbourhood – Light art as part of urban renewal in working class, immigrant area of Copenhagen. The work fuses the global and the local through politics, the environment and individual stories. Finalisation in February 2010.
Haraldsgade neighbourhood – (close to Hermodsgade): light art concepts for further inner city renewal. In process 2009-2010
Metropolzonen 2007 – Light artist consultancy for Copenhagen City Council for urban renewal project. In collaboration with Schul landscape architects and mentored by Rem Koolhaas
Luxemburg – Light artist consultancy for urban landscape project in Esch at the Place de la resistance. In collaboration with Okra landscape architects, Utrecht, Netherlands. 2009
Cosí fan Tutte – Directed by Katrine Wiedemann and stage design by Maja Ravn. Oslo Opera, 2023
Arv – Theatre by Matthew Lopez, Directed by Carl Johan Karlsson and stage design by Magdalena Åberg, Dramaten, Stockholm 2022
Ålevangeliet – Opera by Emmy Lindström, directed by Tobias Theorell and stage design by Ulla Kassius, Folkoperan, Stockholm 2022
Cosí fan Tutte – Directed by Ulrike Schwab and stage design by Rebekka Dornhege, Folkoperan, Stockholm 2022
Sylfiden – directed by Nikolaj Hübbe and stage design by Mia Stensgaard, Royal Ballet, Copenhagen 2020
West Side Story– directed by Kasper Holten and stage design by Steffen Orfing, Malmö Operan 2018
Rigoletto – directed by Kasper Holten and stage design by Maja Ravn, Malmö Operan 2018
My fair lady – directed by Elisa Kragerup and stage design by Maja Ravn, Stockholms Stadsteater 2017
Våra drömmars stad – novels by Per Fogelström, directed by Linus Tunström and stage design by Ulla Cassius, Stockholms Stadsteater 2017
Oedipus and Antigone – directed by Elisa Kragerup and stage design by Maja Ravn, Royal Theatre, Copenhagen 2016
Giselle – directed by Nikolaj Hübbe, stage design by Maja Ziska, Royal Ballet, Copenhagen 2016
Erasmus Montanus - by Ludvig Holberg, directed by Thomas Bendixen, stage design by Maja Ravn, Royal Theatre, Copenhagen 2014
Faderen - by August Strindberg, directed by Thomas Bendixen, stage design by Maja Ravn, Royal Theatre, Copenhagen 2013
Lulu – by Frank Wedekinds, directed by Katrine Wiedemann, stage design by Christian Freidlander, Royal Theatre, Copenhagen. 2012
Tilbage til Ørkenen – by Bernard-Marie Koltès. A stage production at the Royal Theatre, Copenhagen. 2012
Le Mépris – Conceptualised theatre space and contribute light concept for stage performance at Camp X theatre. A collaboration with Maja Ravn. Copenhagen. 2009
Herman Bang’s Stuk – stage performance directed by Frank Carstorf. Royal Theatre, Copenhagen. 2009
Håndværkerne – stage production at the new Royal Theatre, Copenhagen. 2008
Djaevlene – stage production at Betty Nansen theatre, Copenhagen. 2008
Hamlet – stage production at the new Royal Theatre, Copenhagen. 2008
Vilhelms værelse – stage production at the Royal Theatre Copenhagen. 2007
It's not funny – Dance performance choreographed/directed by Meg Stuart. Salzburg and Volksbühne, Berlin. 2006
Platonov – Checkhov play staged at Volksbühne theatre, Berlin. 2006
Replacement – Dance performance choreographed/directed by Meg Stuart at Volksbühne theatre, Berlin. 2006
Maria de Buenos Aires – Opera staged at the Royal Theatre, Copenhagen. 2005
Der Verschwender – play directed by Stefan Bachmann at the Burgtheatre, Vienna. 2005
Kongs-emnerne – Ibsen play produced at the Royal Theatres in Copenhagen, Oslo and Stockholm. 2004
Flugt – Bulgakov play produced at the Royal Theatre, Copenhagen. 2004
Sara Sampson – stage production at the Royal Theatre, Copenhagen. 2003
Mother Courage – Brecht play staged at the Royal Theatre Dramaten, Stockholm. 2003
Kasimir og Karoline – stage production at the Royal Theatre, Copenhagen. 2003
Farvel Thomas – stage production at the Royal Theatre, Copenhagen. 2002
Short stories – multi-discipline performance, Kalaidoskop theatre, Copenhagen. 2002
Onkel Vanja – Chekhov play staged at the Royal Theatre, Copenhagen. Theatre. 2002
I hired a contract killer – stage production of Karismaki’s film, Mammut Theatre, Copenhagen. 2001
Happy days – Samuel Beckett’s play staged at the Betty Nansen theatre, Copenhagen. 2001
Animals in paradise – Howard Barker’s play staged at the Royal Theatre, Copenhagen and the Dramatiska Theatre, Malmö (Sweden). 2000
Ildansigt – stage production at the Betty Nansen theatre, Copenhagen. 2000
Trangen – stage production at the Får 302 theatre, Copenhagen. 2000
Helenes himmelfærd – stage production at the Grob theatre, Copenhagen. 2000
Hiroshima my love – stage production at the Kalaidoskop theatre, Copenhagen. 2000
Tre år tidigare – stage production directed by Peter Holmgård at the, Kanonhallen theatre, Copenhagen. 2000
Truth is a style – Performance. By Da da dumb production, at Café Theatre, Copenhagen, and at The Young Vic theatre, London. 1999
Det sårade ansigt – Howard Barker’s production of his own play, staged at the Kanonhallen theatre, Copenhagen. 1999
Nederdrægtighedens historie - Theatre. By Jens Albinus,. Theatre Kalaidoskop -DK. 1999
Anatols Kabinet - Theatre. Dir Sara Cronberg, Theatre Får302, -DK. 1999
Cut up - Theatre. By 4 directors + Peter Reichardt, Mungo Park -DK. 1999
Stabat Mater - Opera performance staged at the Musikdramatisk Theatre, Holstebro, Denmark. 1998
Jubilæum – stage production at Copenhagen Theatre School. 1998
Fernando Krap – stage production at Copenhagen Theatre School. 1998
Hertug Blåskæg - dance performance at the French institute, Copenhagen. 1998
Naboerne - stage production at the Mungo Park theatre, Copenhagen 1998
De efterlevende - stage production at the Får 302 theatre, Copenhagen 1998
Design for living - stage production at the Mungo Park theatre, Copenhagen. 1997
Faust er død - stage production at the Mungo Park theatre, Copenhagen. 1997
Lovestory - stage production at the Mungo Park theatre, Copenhagen. 1997
Dage på toppen – stage production at the Kanonhallen theatre, Copenhagen. 1997
Tabere ingen adgang - stage production at the Russian Institute, Copenhagen.1997
Baal - stage production at the Mungo Park theatre, Copenhagen. 1996
Manden og kvinden - stage production at the Mungo Park theatre, Copenhagen. 1996